Painting series exploring change & perception using Helvetica & calligraphy-based typography- c.2016
Created for: CSA PROGRAM, WONDER ROOT / Atlanta, GA
“This series focused on innovation and modernizing calligraphy through a typographic approach. My early interest in American and Japanese comics and their use of expressive type resurfaced in time to add to the momentum of my calligraphic work. I began to venture into designing more font-based forms, derived from my original brushed writing.
This project also became an investigation into human resistance to change, implicit bias, and the perception of symbols based on cultural programming. Each letter of the alphabet was first displayed in Helvetica (one of the most recognizable and widely used fonts), then paired with the same letter in my own typographic style. The Helvetica form (ex. C) was misoriented (Ɔ) while the designed text stayed true to its original orientation. This challenged the viewer to break familiarity in order to engage with a letter in a reinvented form.”